~The best way to interpret your dreams is to keep a dream journal for a set period of time and, record any possible activities
or personal (even life-altering) events around that time. This can give you the opportunity to make a sort of dream dictionary
and possible interpretations that actually work for you. Dictionaries and generators are able to tell you what other people's
personal interpretations were, but they may not be accurate for you. Your personal trials and triumphs are part of what your
dreams convey and, since there are VERY few people who've had the same life experiences that you've had (or at least the greater
part of them - of course, this doesn't include anomalies like twins...) and so one thing could hold a completely different
significance to your friends or family than what it holds for you.
~Everybody dreams. This is an unchangeable fact. Just because you don't remember them doesn't mean you didn't have any.
A good explanation may be that the dreams are too subconscious for a person to recall. (Anyone whose watched MTV's Oddity
"The Maxx" would understand better...) Or you may not be restfull enough - the type of brainwaves your brain works
on are taken into consideration (Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Theta waves, dreams usually come strongest in Theta, a.k.a. the
REM stage) and could possibly be a control factor. But that's just an idea, not proven to my knowledge.
~It's been suggested that every person you see and/or talk to in a dream is a different aspect of your own self. I tend
to think that, while for some this is true but, this does not hold true for realistic dreams. In the case of either Deja-Vu
or Reincarnational Memories, these can most definately be considered to be other people. But, as stated, they can be different
sides of your own subconscious.
~I, personally, break dreams down into two categories to better interpret them. Those that have a surreal feeling and those
that are too real to be dreams. I have a clear distinction between the two, even in the dreams, but I make sure not to assume
too much. You should always take into account things that happened when you were a child (or tramatic events at any time
in your life) or any other activity, hobby or event that holds great significance to you. Since perception creates your reality,
this also affects your dreaming experience.
~Those who are right-brain dominant will often have creative, imaginative (and often very, very strange) dreams as left-brain
dominant will be more logical or linear. The opposite could be common, though, if that side of the brain needs stimulation.
A good thing to do to help dream activity (other than eating right, of course) may be to do puzzles of various sorts (left-lobe
stimuli) and turn around and listen to music or practice an art of some kind (right-lobe stimuli). This'll help to get the
whole brain in high gear and ready to take in more when the body is at rest.
~There are a few categories you can use to interpret symbolic or figurative dreams (meaning, the dreams that don't have
that oh-so-real feeling), though it's best to take every part and separate it from the rest; memories, feelings, impressions,
things of the like.
They are as follows:
~You; Directly involved or observing yourself
~Others; Each one is a separate 'actor'
~Scene/s; Detail & travel (can be more than one place or event)
~Action/s; People, animals & surroundings
~Object/s; Themes or specific objects
~End Result; Not present in all dreams