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Anything in life that you were told was not real, anything you thought was a myth, is based on some truth in the past.  Here, you'll find all the things they may have told you never happened or existed.

Topics will be listed in alphabetical order.
Akh: The term ancient Egyptians used when a person's Ba and Ka successfully joined after initial death; only when you had Akh were you able to join back with your body and continue life in the Egyptian equivalent of the Elysian Fields in Roman or Greek mythology - also the equivalent of Heaven. Those who failed to achieve this transfiguration were condemned to eternal death.
Armageddon: The final battle in the Christian religion between all mankind, but more-so between the forces unseen. The physical battle will take place in the Valley of Meggido in the Middle East and the Bible states that the blood will flow to the horse's bridle.
Astral Planes: The spiritual realm that, by doing certain practices such as Meditation or Lucid Dreaming, can be accessed and even traversed by those who are balanced and protected. (There are many websites that give information detailing experiences and theories, but very few have guides or how-to's that work for everybody. Every experience is as different as the people having them, and so goes for initiating such occurrences. Basically, you need to try different ways to find the one that works for you.) During certain times of the year, the 'veil' between the spectral world and the physical one becomes thin and paranormal phenomena becomes more common.
Astral Projection: The act of traversing the Astral or Spiritual planes (also known in Australia to be the Dream World) via the Astral Body or the Spirit. The process is different for everybody, as are the experiences that people have during such. Here, the ancient Egyptian idea of the Ba is seen as a spirit double (often seen by clairvoyants or people who seem to have 'double vision', myself included) and is very active, depending on the person it belongs to. Essentially, you have to try different techniques until you find the one that frees the spirit from the body. When you dream, you enter the Astral Planes, as is the reason why some dreams are very, very strange and others, subdued or even threatening. The best thing to do when entering into the trance state that most use is this; clear your mind and let all thoughts pass. Focus on relaxing the body in separate parts, starting at the feet to the ankles, the shins, the knees, on and on until you've gone over your arms and head. Then, visualize a protective white light all around you - this being the creative, healing force directly from the source, cleansing your body of negativities and illnesses. After meditating on this for a time, gently try moving your hand without moving the physical hand itself (as some would feel displacement at this point - if you don't, practice more on separating the spirit from the body by relaxing and letting go of all that is physical) and slowly lift one side of your body. Gently, roll the rest of the way out. You should feel weightless. This is all the further I'll go with this for now (as there's not enough space) but make sure you have a destination or goal in mind. You wouldn't want to finally get onto the Planes and not know where to begin...
Astrology: The study of the Cosmos and their effects on the people born into the twelve different 'houses' of the Zodiac.
Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE): An organization (the name is a bit self-explanatory) founded by Edgar Cayce in 1931, based out of Virginia. (They have a website - the link would be in the Links page.) In Cayce's opinion, that was how he intended spiritual knowledge of any kind to be gained; research before enlightenment.
Atlantis: One of three major continents (as compared to the island continents we're used to), but one of many islands of ancient times to have disappeared to our knowledge since around the time of the Great Flood of the Bible.
Auras: The spiritual body (not physical in the normal sense of the word) that encircles every living and non-living object. Reacts to illnesses or irregularities in the physical body and, in some instances, may show early signs of illness. Consists of many colors and sensations (as far as the makeup of the aura goes - the aura is as unique as the person who owns it) and can be used to detect what type of person you're dealing with.
Automatic Writing:
Axis-Tilt Theory: There have been, in Earth's long history, several occurrences in which the entire planet along with the poles switched position and literally tilted off the axis it held previously. This occurs at irregular intervals - usually between 800,000 years and 100,000 - though it has tilted with an interval of 10,000 years, which is around the end of the last ice age. It's been around 11,000 years since the last one occurred and, by scientific standards could be due between now and the next 700,000 years.
Ba: The ancient Egyptian idea of the spirit. Usually thought of as the smaller spirit double (which is common in older, even dead religions or beliefs), this was often depicted in tomb art to be a set of arms above the head that faced outward to the sides with the hands in the air. This can be equated to the Astral Body that travels during Astral Projection.
Cayce, Edgar: (March 18, 1877 to January 3, 1945) He was known for giving thousands of readings done in-trance though most of them were life readings or questions of various sorts (including but not limited to; interpreting dreams, diagnosing or relieving health issues, ancient peoples including Atlantis, etc) and was the founder of the A.R.E. He also has multiple publications and his ideas and theories were flagstones in the 'New Age Movement.'
Central Premonitions Registry (CPR): An organization dedicated to the research of dreams that have the qualities of a premonition (in a way, seeing if it's possible to have such dreams intentionally), also for the specific use of more accurately predicting a future catastrophic event.
Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon):
Clairaudience: Translated from Sankskrit into 'Clear Hearing,' this can be a very strange yet very special gift to anyone who develops it. This is a common type of 'sixth sense.' Often, a person who has this gift and doesn't know it may hear people say things when there's nobody around. That's because their link between the spiritual and the physical is closer in the sense of hearing, and so this person should seek to further develop this sense before moving on to another.
Clairgustance: Translated into 'Clear Smell,' this is often discovered when a person walks into a dead relative's house and smells the deceased person's favorite scent but there's no trace of anything it could be coming from. This is common, but not as widespread as some of the others.
Clairsentience: Translated into 'Clear Touch,' this sixth sense is the one most often depicted in TV shows like "Dead Zone" and things of the like. Is not as common as any of the other five known ESP's. With this, one may be able to feel an aura better than see it. If you're everyday actions include a lot of physical contact (whether with people or objects), this would be a good ability to develop. People with this sense may be more empathic than most people, though this is not proven.
Clairvoyance: Translated as 'Clear Sight,' this sense is the most common of all the sixth senses, thought it's most common in children before the age of 9 (as around or after that time, they make their gift known to other people and are told "Stop making things up, it's not nice to lie," and so forced logic tends to make the child 'forget' that they can see auras and things of this nature. One who prizes their vision more than the other senses would do well at developing this sixth sense, as sight is a large part of most anybodys life. Also, there is no known 'Clair--' term for taste, though I know it is possible; if you want to know if you'll like something and you've developed your Clairsentience to be sensitive at will, you may be able to taste or smell the package you hold, even if it is fully sealed. I've done this with perfumes and other things like this - it does work.
College of Psychic Studies:
Crisis Telepathy:
Deja Vu: Translated from Sanskrit as 'Already Seen,' this is when you get a surreal feeling that you'd been somewhere, done something or met someone before, even if it's the first time it's happened in your life. I've had this happen on countless occasions (though usually not for anything earth-shaking) and it's usually in a Precognitive Dream form. There are several songs I heard years before they came out on the radio, but I could sing along with them (even though they weren't technically released for awhile afterward), though I don't know how common it is with most people.
Divination: The act of using a tool (i.e. cards, runes, sticks or bones, pendulums, ouija boards, etc) for, as Dictionary.com states, "...foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency." Meaning, in most cases, paranormal influences. Ghosts or disembodied spirits, guides and, yes, maybe even demons (though less probable than possible).
Dixon, Jeane:
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan:
Dream Telepathy: Two or more people communicate in a sleep state for various reasons. Can be actively achieved by 'Dream Walking,' which is when a person literally travels or gets thrown into another person's dream. Also, two people having the same exact dream is a good indication of dream telepathy.
Duality: The idea that everything in existence has both female and male components or characteristics, especially in a person's personality or physical appearance.
Energy: One could say it's God's infinite power coursing through every living (and non-living) object that's ever existed and it'd probably be more accurate than you think. The energy is just the pure form of the Creator's essence that we tap into every day whether we know it or not. When you pray, you manipulate energy. When you cast a spell or say an incantation, you manipulate energy. Everything is infused with this energy. You don't have to understand it, it's just there. Simply put, when you feel a certain way, you give off that type of energy - anger, happiness, love, fear - these are all forms of energy (and can therefore be cleansed or influenced more easily than one might imagine).
Extra-Sensory Perseption (ESP): Often limited to the Clair-- talents that most people possess naturally, though it often refers to telepathy or things of this nature. Anything outside of the five major senses can be considered as such, but not all of them are.
Fortune Telling: Now termed as Divination depending on the practice used, this is a form of 'reading' something that has traces of the inquirer's energy and showing what a possible future could be. Be careful when dealing with a fortune teller, as not all of them truly know what they're talking about.
Freud, Sigmund: (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939) One of the Fathers of Psychology and the originator of Psychoanalytic Psychology, he was one of the first people to stress the influence of the Subconscious on daily interactions and relationships. Also introduced the Oedipus and Elektra Complexes, among many other ideas or theories.
Hypoborea: The third of three island continents, this one destroyed by fire (which has been thought to possibly be due to a nuclear bomb of sorts) and, by accounts, is now covered by ice - thought to be Antarctica. In fact, they've discovered palm trees and tropical plants that could only grow in a rain forest or some place as such. There was a race that has been stated throughout history and, some people believe them to be from this frozen land. They were known as Aryans and, from all accounts, Hitler was attempting to make the German people believe they were the direct holy descendants of these people - they stood between 8 and 12 feet, had blue eyes and blonde hair, and were renowned worldwide for their beauty and grace. This may have once been the 'Thule' land that ancient peoples spoke of.
Hypnosis: Using Meditation to achieve a trance state in which one becomes more suggestible as the subconscious is brought to the front of the person's awareness. Self Hypnosis is again done by Meditation and suggestions, however, in this method one would repeat an idea or phrase throughout the session that they'd want to ingrain in their memory. Hypnosis, however, is a wonderful tool; not only for surfacing old regrets or grudges and dealing with them accordingly, but can be used to regress beyond the point of birth, into past-life memories that become more active in this state. One must remember that through Hypnosis, the subconscious is brought to the forefront of awareness and should not be treated lightly.
Intercepting Thoughts: Often due to 2 or more people having spent a lot of time together, it also happens spontaneously between strangers or people who don't know each other very well, thought the former is much more common than the latter (unless said people have known each other throughout several incarnations), it's mostly when speaking of the same topic or idea and, they either say the same thing at once or, one says something that the other was thinking word-for-word.
Intuition: The gut feeling that guides most people, whether they're aware of it or not. Could be considered the link between the spiritual and physical bodies that can, at times, be influenced by your guide/s.
Jung, Carl: (July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961) A student of Sigmund Freud who, because of their difference in beliefs, became one of his adversaries. He was known to have introduced the ideas of the Synchronicity and the Collective Unconscious, along with Archetypes, to name a few.
Jung Institute:
Ka: The ancient Egyptian word for the soul (as opposed to the spirit or Ba), this was thought to be more mobile than the Ba.
Kerass: A slang term for Synchronicity, used in a book that suggested the theory though only subtly.
Kirlian Photography: A type of radiation photography, the introduction of the process along with taking pictures of people was more than likely an experiment, but it's seemed to work wonders. Of course, nothing beats the old-fashioned way of letting a Clairvoyant see it, but then again, they may be mistaken also. It has many a computer program to illustrate what the picture has shown. Unfortunately, I can't consider this very accurate for the simple fact that most people have uniform auras (surrounding themselves equally on all or most sides if the person is balanced enough), but I've seen many a picture that was lopsided and uneven.
Krippner, Dr. Stanley:
King Tutankhamun: The first ancient Egyptian king whose grave was excavated in our time that made worldwide publicity. This could be what caused people of that generation forward to become aware, if not interested in the history of, ancient Egypt.
Lumeria/Lemuria/Mu: Based in the Pacific rather than Atlantic Ocean, it's the second in popularity of three island continents, this one first destroyed by fire, then swallowed by water (though perhaps more violently and quickly than Atlantis as the latter underwent three phases of destruction, including the sinking thereof) and is sometimes theorized to be the true origin of mankind as opposed to Mesopotamia. Since it's currently sunken, there is no way to test this theory whether to prove or disprove it. In some theories, it was a floating island that was the original home of most mythological or majickal creatures. Some Asian cultures state this was also their original homeland though none can be accounted for at this time.
Magic: The stage-performance of illusion on a rather mundane level. Still interesting in its own way, and enough to entertain a crowd for hours. Not considered to be true majick.
Majick: Spelt as such to differentiate between stage-magic and energy manipulation, this can be used in any way to appease the practitioner. One must always be careful when manipulating energy as this is a force that we, as people, are far from mastering. Some may be far along the path of using this force, but depending on the positive or negative energy they send out determines the Karma they amass. At any rate, this can be used for harm as well as good and, the user's imagination and spiritual ability are the only thing that holds the user back. However, Karma cannot be stressed enough. One must keep in mind that if the theory that everything you do effects not only you, but everyone around you and Superconsciousness itself (and perhaps the balance of spiritual energy of realms yet unknown), then the Karma you receive back will be amplified in the Pagan ideology; the power of threefold. You mess with somebody enough in a certain way, and you may receive harsh retribution a lot faster than you think it'd happen.....times three.
Meditation: Most often a trance state in which the body, mind, spirit and soul are at piece (and can either be joined together or separated much more easily than in a normal state of being); according to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, one should meditate in darkness; as I've discovered, some people who meditate end up in a state of being in which light surrounds the body completely. The dark would help this, as I've also heard of someone not being able to move their eyes because of the blinding brightness that surrounded them. Visions can sometimes come to those who are deep in a trance state.
Mediums: These are different from psychics in that to learn some of the information they do, they must interact with the spirits that are not connected in this world and relay the message to the one seeking the answer. A medium *may* have one spirit that acts as a director for the others attempting to make contact, either by finding the spirit the visitor has asked about or by making sure that the spirits do not overwhelm the Medium.
Melchizedek: This Biblical figure is only mentioned briefly in at least three books of the Bible (Genesis and Hebrews to be specific) and has a very mysterious background. With no parents or lineage as mentioned in Hebrews, it's said that he may possibly be an early incarnation of Jesus. (Of course, this would infer that Jesus had to reincarnate to go through nearly the same learning process as all other people throughout history.) See the Metaphysics and Cosmology page for more details.
Nostradamus: A French prophet who, in his day (and through various methods that nobody can really agree upon) 'saw' into the future and recorded the events in a way that you could only connect when looking at them in a past-tense situation. Many do not understand this about him; he wanted to predict the future without having any sway over it (as in a believer making his predictions come true by creating them - this adding to his accuracy), or the fact that he had many prophecies that didn't come to pass. As it was said, he not only died and was found standing up, but was buried as such with a medallion around his neck inscribed with the date his tomb would be robbed. As the story goes, his date was right. And he was still standing.
Ouija Board:
Otherkin: (Singular form of Otherkine) General term including creatures that range from fey folk to were-animals to vampires and sometimes elves and things of this nature.
Palmistry: (Originally spelled Pawmistry) The study of the lines and mounds arranged on the palm, displaying who they are as an individual and what future events may directly affect the inquirer. With practice, you can eventually learn the different meanings of each line and mound and what effects they may or may not show. Can also be used as a guideline of the things your subconscious may be trying to tell you.
Pastlives: See Reincarnation.
Perception: See Truth.
Piri Re'is Map: A map from circa 1500 AD which, from close inspection, is too accurate and drawn from too odd an angle without having been drawn from the air. The first real evidence, to some, that there were ways of seeing the world from the air - a.k.a. flight. Also, at this time, we didn't know most (if any) of the formations of Antarctica, nor were we even sure that there was land under the ice. This map apparently shows the tip of Africa and a large portion of Antarctica itself. Also, the fact that there was a map stating that Antarctica was 'normal' before the ice age (or that we even had a glimpse of it in the map) gives one a feeling of unease or comfort, depending on what you believe.
Plato: A philosopher and scribe of ancient Roman times, he was the first one in that area to learn of Atlantis, though from his grandfather, Socrates, who learned of it from Timaeus and Critias (who, I believe, were Egyptian).
Psi: A term given to most, or all, psychic phenomena. This includes but is not limited to; ESP, auras, precognition, etc.
Psychics: Those who are naturally more sensitive to metaphysical energies or occurrances; past, present or future. Can be sensitive in any number of ways though, they're usually adept at one form in specific.
Ragnarok: The ancient Norse term for the last battle of mankind and the forces unseen, including deity/deities (oddly reminiscent of Armageddon).
Reiki: A form of energy manipulation that, in origin, uses the Christian god Jehova/Yahweh's (Originally spelt YHWH or YHVH) healing energies to promote balance and cleansing of negative energy and emotions in body, mind, spirit and/or soul. A Japanese-originated form of Faith Healing, the founder searched for a way to use the healing power that Christ spoke of in his sermons. During meditation, he received symbols that are believed to help in the process of balancing and attunement. Attunements are the act of connecting the physical body to the higher vibrations that reside in Deity. There is no way to harm anyone with this energy as it taps into solely the healing and love energies that are a part of the Creator.
Reincarnation: The belief that a person's soul and/or spirit lives many lives as different types of people (different lifestyles, often completely different from each other in that one life, you may be a thief, the next you may be a slave whose hands may be malformed) and may or may not have active memories of pastlives. In the Hindu religion, Karma and Dharma effect the current life you're experiencing and may determine what you experience, who you meet, where you travel/live, etc. Some believe that every action you take affects your Karma and therefore, every reaction you have can affect your current incarnation's future, if not future lives.
Spirit Double: Another way to look at the Astral or Spiritual Body.
Superconsciousness: (Otherwise known as the Collective Unconscious) A Jungian theory that gives the idea of a collection of all human conscious and subconsciousness that is somehow related to God. The Subconscious and Conscious states are merely extensions of this, that aid in the individual psyche. This is possibly the way telekinesis or remote viewing is accessed though, it's still a theory.
Synchronicity: A concept first made aware by Carl Jung (a student of Sigmund Freud). The original definition is simply "meaningful coincidences." Many people have given this a more divine meaning; i.e., the events one experiences are due to a deity/deities or higher power for that specific person to become aware of, as Synchronicity is different and unique for each person. We all have our own sentimentalities that we cling to and these can be used to make us aware when Synchronistically involved.
Truth: Your perception of the world around you. Some people have been documented to have traveled through time or space in the blink of an eye, or even having been in two places at once (Bilocation). The fact is that you DO create your own reality insofar as the beliefs you subscribe to or the way you live your life. Why is it that most people who believe in psi experience it more frequently and in an easier manner than people who don't believe? A big part is due to faith in the possibility and/or probability thereof. If you don't believe something can happen, you'll be less likely to encounter that situation (or if you do, you'll be less inclined to trust what you experience).
Veil, The: An ethereal membrane that separates us from the spiritual realms and the realms unseen. Could also be the firmament as mentioned in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. It has been mentioned in II Corinthians that there will eventually be a removing of the Veil by Christ. "But their minds were blinded. More specifically, II Corinthians 3:14-16 state simply: For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the *veil* is taken away in Christ. But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. Neverthelss when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
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